GPS Spectating

1 Feb 2021 by James Makiol

Dear all,

I have received an update from the GPS about spectators at GPS Debating.
Currently, no spectators are allowed at any debates except Senior A. Coaches and team members are not classed as spectators. Senior A is allowed up to 2 parents/guardians per participating student when in a hall/auditorium. This means for the GT Round, as we are using a classroom for the debate, there will not be spectators allowed. My apologies for this. No non-debater students are allowed to spectate at any debate.

All attendees will be required to sign in and out using the QR codes that will be provided on the walls. I encourage you to download the EVA Check-In app on your phone to make this process easier. As always, if you feel unwell or are awaiting a COVID test result, you should notify your coordinator and not attend Debating.

If there are any updates, I will inform you here.

Thank you for your understanding, stay safe, and good luck for your debates.

James Makiol, Director

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